Welcome to Canada... the land created under the laws and for the glory of God... "He shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth."... what a perfect geographic description of the Dominion of Canada, created 138 years ago by people who actually believed that those words meant something. As our national anthem states:
Oh Canada, our home and native land
True patriot love in all thy sons command
With glowing hearts we see thee rise
The true north strong and free
From far and wide, oh Canada
We stand on guard for thee
God keep our land glorious and free
Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee
Oh Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
Who is standing on guard for our country now? Canada is neither strong or free. It is falling to new depths, its glory fading, its past forgotten, its God systematically eliminated from all relevance in day to day life. Where are the sons and daughters of Canada? Those who will stand on guard for her, those who will rise up against injustice and oppression, stand for the morals that created such a glorious nation, those who will refuse to stand by and do nothing? Where is Canada's future? What is her new legacy? Slaughtering children, legalizing harmful substances, and unnatural sexual relations? Are those the issues of today? According to those in power, they are really non-issues. They will fight against morality under the banners of "decriminalizing marijuana", "gay pride" and "pro-choice". Are they the sons and daughters who guard our beloved nation so well? God keep out land glorious and free? May God have mercy on our souls! I love this country, but I don't love what's being done to it.
Here's a random comparison for you: say you have a pair of shoes. When they're new, they look all clean and nice... but as they get older, they start to get dirty and smell... if you want those shoes to be clean and nice again, do you...
a) actually clean them up, or
b) poop all over them, wipe it in with your hands, and then pee on them for good measure, all the while calling it "cleaning them up"?
That's what I thought. So stop pooping all over Canada people. It could be really awesome if we actually cleaned it up. 'Nuff said.