Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Stuck in a Moment...

Ever feel like the U2 song... "Stuck in a moment, and you can't get out of it"? I know there are times when I focus so much on one circumstance that I miss everything else, and it's like life is passing by while I'm stuck there, unable to see it or even acknowledge it. I can't even see it in myself often, but it's sure easy to see it in others. Why is it that I can't look at my own feelings objectively? Are they too deep a part of me, would I not like what I find out? Or am I scared that I would have to act on what I learn? I think, deep down, that we all like to be comfortable, we don't like to change. We'd rather stay stuck in that moment often, even if it's not a great feeling, because we're used to it. We've become comfortable with ourselves the way we are, like when I want to start exercising but can't seem to ever find the time.

I think I'm kind of scared that the change will hurt, but of course it hurts. Growth hurts. Growth is uncomfortable. If you don't change, if you don't grow, you become stagnant. I think God is pushing me to grow, to change, to become what I was born to be, to fulfill my destiny. I think it's similar to Elrond telling Aragorn in 'The Return of the King', "Become who you were born to be!" as he gives him the sword which signifies his destiny. I long to fulfill my destiny, and at the same time I am terribly afraid... what if I don't measure up? What if I fail? What if I have to put effort into it? What if I get uncomfortable?

For me, I know it's time to put aside those questions and doubts. There will be times when I will fail, when I won't measure up, when I will be uncomfortable, and when the effort will seem like too much. That's just part of growing. I echo Aragorn in saying, "There may come a time when the strength of men will fail... but IT IS NOT THIS DAY!" I know that God is my source of strength, and it's time to 'put feet to my faith'... to get out there and just do what I'm supposed to do, regardless of the cost to my comfort. I will grow, and I will fail at times, but I will ultimately succeed, because I know that the battle I fight has already been won.

To quote another U2 song... "It's a beautiful day, don't let it get away..."

Monday, January 24, 2005

Before you yell at me...

OK fine, I can see that I missed a comma in the second quote, and forgot to cite characters in several, and probably missed your favourite quote by 11 minutes or so. What that means is, although you can't do anything about the first 2 so don't bother trying, by all means, comments on the best lines you can think of would be great. Have a great day, and God bless.

LOTR Lines...

Hi everyone, once again it is I.

I, as you may or may not be aware, am a huge fan of J.R.R. Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings', and Peter Jackson's movie version of it. I just thought I'd take a little time, and jot down a few of my favourite lines, and possibly why they're so great or whatever... please if you have other ones, feel free to do the same WHEN you comment (notice I didn't say if, because if you don't, I'll never know)... so in no particular order, here are a few of them:

"That doesn't make sense to me... but you are very small... maybe you're right." - Treebeard

OK, now I know that's not the way it's meant, but seriously, it's such a funny line. I never knew that being small made you right even when you don't make sense...

"Leave now and never come back."
"Leave now, and never come back!"
"Leave NOW, and NEVER come BACK!!!"...
"We told him to go away, and away he goes, precious! Gone, gone gone! Smeagol is free!!!!"
- Smeagol/Gollum

Besides being one of the best examples of a split personality I've ever seen on the big screen, this whole scene kind of shows the fight between the old self and the new one, for those of us who have given our lives to God. The old flesh keeps reminding us of how terrible we are, and how much we need it, and we all know how hard it can be not to listen to the flesh, but the truth is... the Master takes care of us now. The Master IS our friend. Even though we know we don't need it and we always want to get rid of it, it's such a big surprise when we succeed, and really become free.

"There is only one lord of the ring, and he does not share power!" - Gandalf

Comparing the ring to sin and evil, we think we can control our sins, master them, but in reality we're just setting ourselves up to be enslaved by by them and their real master.

"I want to see mountains again, mountains, Gandalf!" - Bilbo

No special reason, I just think the way Ian Holm says that line sounds cool.

"But we cannot defeat them!"
"No. We cannot. But we will meet them in battle nonetheless."
- Theoden and one of the other horsemen

No matter how hopeless the situation seems, do your part, fight the good fight, take out evil wherever you find it, because you can't see the end from where you are, and God's plan will bring you through as you trust Him and obey anyway.

"But it is not THIS day!" - Aragorn

We see society crumbling every day. When will it just cave in and when will all of mankind become utterly evil, weak, etc... NOT THIS DAY!!! I choose to stand and fight for what is right in the middle of it all. One day, everything may give way, but IT IS NOT THIS DAY!!! The warrior's cry, the stand of the weak against the oppressor, the right of a child to live, all are echoed here. Though all of these things seem to fade, they will not fade ultimately ON THIS DAY.

"He's twitching because he's got MY AXE embedded in his NERVOUS SYSTEM!"

3 words... you go, Gimli!

"You have my sword."
"And you have my bow."
"And my axe!"

At this point, if I were Frodo, I would so want to blurt out, "Your axe is mine!"

"Anyway, you need people of inteligence on this sort of mission... quest... thing."
"Well, that rules you out Pip."
- Merry & Pippin

Good point Merry, why did they take him anyway? Oh right, to save Faramir's life... thereby saving Eowyn's life if you've read the book.

"Taters, precious? What's taters, eh?"
"Po-ta-toes. Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew... fish and chips courtesy of Samwise Gamgee. You couldn't say no to that."
"Oh yes we could. Spoiling nice fish, burning it. Give it to us raw and wrrrrrrriggling. Keep nasty chips."

Don't everybody yell at me at once if I misquoted anything here by the way, I'm not sitting down with the movie in front of me, this is all memory work. Oh yeah, and I love this scene because of Andy Serkis' real spit for one, and also it's some great give and take between Sam and Smeagol. Oh yeah, "Stupid, fat hobbit" is a great line too.

OK, OK, I could go on I'm sure, but I'm not going to this time... maybe another time. Please feel free to comment, as I may eventually get tired of reading things only I have written.

A Poem For the Blog

Hey everyone... wouldn't you like to read a cool poem? OK, over the resounding chorus of "NO"s I heard at least one yes, maybe mine, so I'll go ahead with it. You can thank me (or at least not threaten to poke out my eyes with a rubber ball) later.

Welcome to my blog, I hope you want to stay.
If not, then leave without a fuss, and all will be OK.
Ideas, thoughts and poems... and sometimes just a laugh...
This blog is only guaranteed to double your fun by half.
I'd like to share what's usually hidden in plain sight,
You can feel free to challenge me, but please don't pick a fight.
Whatever I do, I try to show the one who lives in me,
And share God's truth, so we can all chill together in eternity.

Thoughts on the poem? Related poetry? What-have-you? Feel free to comment, and I'll feel free to look it over, and possibly comment on your comment. At which point you can continue the never ending cycle, should you choose...

First Post Ever

Yes, it may be blatantly obvious, but this is the first post ever on this blog. For those of you who doubt this, come back in a year when you still haven't found any earlier ones, and I can guarantee you it will still be the first. Now that we've cleared that up, let me welcome you to my blog. It may be my first and only blog ever to date, but I know how to say things, and write things, and type things, and they interest at least me when I say and write and type them, so that's all that matters. Oh right, and hopefully some will interest you the reader, assuming you are someone other than myself rereading this. I don't really want to put anything too serious on this post, just because it's after 3 in the morning and I don't feel like it. Maybe if I write another one in a couple minutes, how about that? OK. Will do.