Monday, April 11, 2005

Devo - Wisdom: 1 Corinthians 1 & 2

The idea of Jesus dying a bloody death on the cross seems foolish. Why would anyone die for something they didn't do? Why would God Himself suffer and die, just to restore a relationship with His creation? Where is the power in weakness? Where's the wisdom in any of it?

But that's exactly what He did... (read 1:18-25)

God is so much wiser than us, that even His so-called "foolishness" is above our wisdom, His "weakness" above our strength. Jesus' death was an act of wisdom, He knew it was the only way we could be in a relationship with Him; and He did what had to be done, an act of strength. He even showed power over death by rising from the dead, turning weakness into strength, foolishness into wisdom.

Now He calls us to do the same thing, to choose God's foolishness over man's wisdom... (read 1:26-31)

He turns conventional wisdom on its head, choosing the weak, foolish and lowly to His kingdom. He shows up man's strength, wisdom and honour for the sham that it is in comparison to His.

When we know we are foolish, we acknowledge Him as wise that much easier, and when we do that, He can place His wisdom in us... (read 2:6-16)

God's wisdom has been hidden from mankind because we couldn't understand it... "BUT GOD HAS REVEALED IT TO US BY HIS SPIRIT."

The Bible says that when we acknowledge who Jesus is and what He's done for us, and choose to turn from our wisdom and choose His, we receive the Holy Spirit... (read Acts 2:36-39)

That's the same Spirit who knows the thoughts of God! We can know God's plans for us, and what He's given us, because His Spirit in us can show us His wisdom. We can be a part of the wisdom and strength of God.

We can have the mind of Christ! We can have true wisdom!


Eric said...

You Andrew. What happened to posting all you Devos?
Also, sorry to have missed the past few weeks.

Andrew said...

Sorry Eric,
I got busy and forgot to post the last devo from 3 weeks back, then 2 weeks ago we did an impromptu short devo which I didn't post, and last week was the movie night with Hero: the Rock Opera. There's a devo again tonight, and I should get that up, along with the other one that I missed, really soon.

Gregory said...

So yeah, what's goin' on?

Oh, I'm coming to the Drop-In tonight!

Dave said...

Dave = good.

Enda story.
