Hey everyone... wouldn't you like to read a cool poem? OK, over the resounding chorus of "NO"s I heard at least one yes, maybe mine, so I'll go ahead with it. You can thank me (or at least not threaten to poke out my eyes with a rubber ball) later.
Welcome to my blog, I hope you want to stay.
If not, then leave without a fuss, and all will be OK.
Ideas, thoughts and poems... and sometimes just a laugh...
This blog is only guaranteed to double your fun by half.
I'd like to share what's usually hidden in plain sight,
You can feel free to challenge me, but please don't pick a fight.
Whatever I do, I try to show the one who lives in me,
And share God's truth, so we can all chill together in eternity.
Thoughts on the poem? Related poetry? What-have-you? Feel free to comment, and I'll feel free to look it over, and possibly comment on your comment. At which point you can continue the never ending cycle, should you choose...
1 comment:
Roses are read, that poem hurt my head.
Violets are blue, this one hurts too..
Well, wait just a second, or maybe for two.
Violets are violet, violets aren't blue.
It makes a mockery of what I just said..
All these dumb poems are hurting my head...
Nayce blog..
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