Monday, January 24, 2005

First Post Ever

Yes, it may be blatantly obvious, but this is the first post ever on this blog. For those of you who doubt this, come back in a year when you still haven't found any earlier ones, and I can guarantee you it will still be the first. Now that we've cleared that up, let me welcome you to my blog. It may be my first and only blog ever to date, but I know how to say things, and write things, and type things, and they interest at least me when I say and write and type them, so that's all that matters. Oh right, and hopefully some will interest you the reader, assuming you are someone other than myself rereading this. I don't really want to put anything too serious on this post, just because it's after 3 in the morning and I don't feel like it. Maybe if I write another one in a couple minutes, how about that? OK. Will do.

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