Yes, I'm back, and I've got a whole bunch of devo posts to do, so bear with me. I hope to get a whole lot done in a fairly short period of time, so lots of reading material for everyone (and lots of blogwork for me, yay!)... rather than skip to the next post, I'll start my first of the devos on this post, so without too much further ado...
Obeying God, Whatever the Cost - Daniel 6
(start by reading Daniel 6:1-4)
Daniel had it pretty good at this point in his life. He had the blessing of God, and the favour of the king. He had power and influence, and his enemies couldn't dig up any dirt on him. But then, some difficult circumstances came around which forced Daniel to make a choice.
(read Daniel 6:5-9)
Now right here Daniel could have done three things:
*stopped praying to God for a month (...after all, it's only a month, God will understand, He's concerned for my safety)
*continued praying, but in secret (...they can't catch me if they can't see me, it's not that I'm really ashamed of God)
*continued praying openly for all to see (no compromise)
(read Daniel 6:10)
This is where it really gets interesting. The king tries to save Daniel but is unable. Finally, even he realizes that only God has the power to save Daniel now.
(read Daniel 6:11-20)
Now we see how God comes through when Daniel needs Him the most, and Daniel is able to talk to the king about God.
(read Daniel 6:21-28)
We need to follow Daniel's example, obey God no matter what, and trust that He is able to take care of us.
More posts to follow shortly...
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