Saturday, September 24, 2005

Motivation - Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 (read first), 31-34 (read at end)

What you do can be very important, but far more important to God is your reason for doing it. The attitudes and motives of the heart are what God sees. Although it's impossible to do something you know is wrong with proper motives, you can do something you know is right with improper motives. Take the examples we just read in Matthew. Jesus says that the hypocrites give to the needy, pray, and fast. These are good things. In fact, Jesus expects that we will do these things. Notice the language: "when you give... when you pray... when you fast..." Not if, but when. His issue is not with what's being done, but with how and why it's being done. The hypocrites do these things to glorify themselves, to make themselves look better. We should do them too, but to glorify God, and to lift Him up. When we are focused on God, what we do becomes more meaningful, and He is pleased with it. We can trust Him to take care of our needs, to reward us and bless us, because that's what He promises to do.

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