Saturday, September 24, 2005

Religion Wars: Revenge of the Sabbath OR Lord of the Sabbath: Authority of the King - Mark 2:23-28

The Pharisees had it all figured out. They liked their rules, and they liked imposing them on others. They were sure that God was on their side with this one. Surely picking food off the stalk was "work", and work was forbidden on the Sabbath, s how could someone claiming to be God Himself violate His own rule?
Jesus sets them straight and tells them what it's really all about. The reason God created the Sabbath was for the benefit of humans. Was He so exhausted after 6 days of creating that He couldn't lift a finger? No, He knew that it would cause havoc in our bodies, minds and spirits if we didn't take time to rest. Just try and go 7 days a week and in a few weeks at most, you're tired, irritable, and worn out. God wanted to spare us that.
The same goes for the other rules that God has given us.Rather than restrict us and spoil our fun, they guide us into the freest, most productive and enjoyable lives we can live. Without those guidelines, we are "free" to try whatever we want, to hurt ourselves and others, to wander aimlessly.
But with God's laws, we are free to reach our full potential. Skillet expresses this well in their song Suspended in You:

(go to the disc "Hey You, I Love Your Soul", and click on the track "Suspended in You")

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