Thursday, February 24, 2005

Back to the Basics - Romans 3-5

By the way, this is the 3rd devo. I forgot to mention that last post was one as well, but it was probably evident.

1. The Problem - Romans 3:10-12, 23
- our sin
- we have all turned away and disobeyed God
- we fall short of His glory
*We are separated from God by our sin, the penalty for sin is death.

2. The Solution - Romans 3:21-24; 4:23-25; 5:6-8
God's part - He died for us (in our place) to pay the penalty for our sin
- He redeemed us of our sins so we are no longer liable/guilty
- He justified us as a result of His grace, we are made "just", now we are able to be in the presence of God
Our part - Believe in God
- Have faith in Jesus Christ
*Notice it's not our part to redeem ourselves or become perfect in order for Him to save us... He does that freely, out of His love. What we must do is accept it, accept Him, and the life change will follow.

3. The Result - Romans 4:7-8; 5:1-5
- we are blessed
- our wrongs are truly forgiven, we don't have to keep bringing them up anymore, they are gone... covered... taken care of... God won't throw them back in our face
*so why do we?
- we are at peace with God
- we stand strong in God's grace
- we have a hope... God's glory
Suffering... leads to perseverance... leads to character... leads to hope.
- God's love is poured out into our hearts

4. So What Do We Do About It?
- read the rest of Romans and find out!

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