Hey, whose truth is true? Is there any real truth? Can anyone really know the truth? Can anyone actually be more right than anyone else?
These questions are being thrown around alot these days... and to answer them quickly.... God, yes, yes and yes. Certainly not popular answers, I know.
But Jesus called Himself the way, the truth and the life. That's THE truth. So either He's right or wrong. For those who say He is ONE truth in many... what are you thinking? If He's right, then everyone else is wrong... and if anyone else is right, then He is wrong. No bones about it, He doesn't leave any room for interpretation.
And on a question of whether something can be more or less true... and if what you believe is good for you and what I believe is good for me... How can opposing statements which are utterly in conflict both be true? When truth is replaced with relativity, logic and reason go out the window. How can someone who believes there is only one God who will brook no competition be right, and someone else be right when they believe in hundreds of gods, or no God at all? Something doesn't add up here.
What is happening, is no one wants to admit they are wrong. I will fully admit that there are times when I have been too full of pride to admit my mistakes, and I suffered needlessly because of it. I see the same thing all around me. People believe they can do whatever they want because it makes them feel good. Selfishness, plain and simple. They think it's right just because they want to do it... well right and wrong don't work that way. For instance, if I am speeding and I get a ticket, can I just say, "well, it felt right at the time, and I wasn't hurting anybody, so I shouldn't get a ticket, because it was right for me to speed..."? NO WAY. I have to pay my ticket, learn my lesson, and slow down. That is a truth. I disobeyed a law, I was in the wrong, and like it or not, I had to pay the penalty. If I steal something from a store, or punch someone in the face, or commit any number of felonies, misdemeanors, or other inappropriate actions... I have to deal with the consequences. How doing that makes me feel doesn't enter into the equation. No matter if I think it's right... it isn't. I am still in the wrong. Saying it's OK, doesn't make it true. Life is like that. There are rules which must be obeyed, there are truths which cannot be ignored... to disobey those rules, and to ignore those truths, is to invite disaster. Not knowing the truth is no excuse, because it is still there, it is still true. And I have come to know the Truth, Jesus Christ. The beauty of God's truth, is that He already knows that we've screwed up, that our disobedience needs to be payed for, that we can't measure up to the truth. So He died for us. He payed for our disobedience, He took our consequences, so that we could live in the truth, so that we could find Him. I dare you to find Him for yourself, and see if He is not true, right and good. In fact, I dare you to seek out truth. I guarantee that God will show you the truth if you seriously seek it, and ask Him to. The best place to start is in His Word, the Bible.
The reason I point to the Bible for truth, is because whenever we find something, we always find it in the last place we look. The reason for that of course, is that after that we stop looking. I have found the truth in reading the Word of God, and I am confident that I need look no further to find ultimate truth. If I were to point out a rainbow to you, would you look on the ground for it? Would you look in a box? Would you look in a hole? Since you know where a rainbow can be found, you would look in the sky of course, assuming you wanted to see the rainbow. Since I know where truth can be found, I suggest that you look in the Bible, again assuming you want to find truth. The deeper you search for truth, the more the Bible stands up to every test you can throw at it, and the more truth it reveals. Find this truth for yourself... I challenge you! Be who you were born to be!
God bless,
Betchu thought I wasn't reading the blog anymore huh? Yeah, no. I was just way to lazy to respond. I liked the post though. Well recieved.
All for one, or two for half price!
Yo, dude,
You have posted in awhile. Post more.
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